Monday, December 31, 2012


Yesterday was crazy.  Busy.  Crazy.  Fun.

As I was driving home I was singing to myself, and I suddenly realized that, while I love to sing, I've never written a song.  Not even a short burst of lyrics...

I never had the confidence to even try.

And then I thought of W.W. Phelps.  Though I highly doubt that music can run in a person's 'blood,' if it does, then I have a good chance at coming up with... something... (I know I got plenty of his less desirable traits), and I have music on the other side of the family as well.

I told myself, you've been learning music your whole life - you should at least try.  There is no risk, you don't have to share it and be mocked.  Also, since you have to sit here driving anyway, then you won't be wasting time...

So, I started experimenting with my own tunes and lyrics - instead of ones that I've been memorizing my whole life.  I didn't get very far, only a few repeated lines that meant a lot to me, but likely no one else.

But I decided something.  I can see the influence of my great, great, great, great, great, great grandfather's compositions in my own little set of lyrics and music.  He is an interesting person.  Not perfect by any means, and I think I like him more for his mistakes.  His few recorded digressions make him more real, not that idealized version of a person that we typically study after they're gone.  Plus, my family branches off of his unauthorized polygamous marriage... so I can't complain too much, lol.

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