Wednesday, December 5, 2012


I'm seemingly incapable of being funny.  Why... so.. serious?  See, tried to make a joke there - lame!

This is something I love about my husband.  He is actually funny, and he somehow thinks that I am sometimes funny.

James will take your lame joke and raise you an actual joke (making you feel like your lame joke was funny in the first place), and if you can come up with any kind of funny response to that, he will always have something even funnier just waiting in the rafters.

I can say that I am truly jealous of those who are able to make jokes so easily, and I'm grateful for them.  Life would be pretty lame without laughs.

This is my new goal.  I'm going to do more funny posts.  Well... I'm going to TRY to do some funny posts... I figure if I fail really badly, then it'll be so bad that it's funny.


  1. Funny is in the eye of the beholder. The nerds in us find Wash's witty yet sometimes cowardly comments funny. And sometimes my father laughs at some sportscaster who tells the most atrocious pun ever conceived. My point is maybe your husband is funny to you. But you are probably just as funny to him. That's the beauty of it.

    1. As much as I hate to admit it, I don't know what you mean by "Wash's witty yet sometimes cowardly comments"
      But I wish I did... Will you give me a link?

  2. Actually, it's Bill ;-). Somehow it's not taking my Wordpress credentials.

    Anyway, James or someone will improve on your humor in the comments. :-) Truth is, you are a very funny person. You just need to...I don't know just are.

    1. Thank you for commenting!!!! And for thinking I'm funny, but not really funny...
      James doesn't read blogs, so that frees me up to talk about him like crazy *evil laugh* - but it also means he can't help me by letting me mooch off his wit.
