Friday, December 14, 2012


I have a strange obsession with this blog lately


It's an addiction

I'll be sitting at home, work, school, church, etc...  and I'll think, I should blog about this

Then I'll think, nah, I've already blogged today, don't want to bore people

And I'll check the # of readers

And the comments

Sometimes I'll be reading someone else's blog, and I'll want to comment, but I hesitate...  Afterall, I've already commented recently... don't want to be a creeper...  feel like I'm the only one commenting...  what if they don't like my comment...  They'll know I was blog-stalking them...

Anyway, I just thought I'd put that out there, see if anyone else ever feels that way.  Also, I'd just like to say, as a newly addicted blogger, I think it's awesome every time anyone subscribes to, comments on, or reads this blog.  I promise I won't think you're a creeper  :D


  1. I feel the same way. I still get overly excited whenever I get a new follower. And I always read your blog, even though I don't always comment :)

  2. I am a creeper.

    I have a love/hate relationship with the comments interface though. If I tap the screen wrong (on my phone) it moves on to the next blog article and I have to type the message again.
