Sorry this post is so long.
I don't identify as a democrat, but I definitely and defiantly don't identify as a republican.
Ever since I started realizing how I feel about economics (It's obviously more complicated than this, but I'm am most assuredly a Robin Hood type. Whether the people hoarding the money and power are government or big corporations, if they are perpetuating poverty and misery, then I would most certainly rob from the rich to feed the poor they are oppressing.)
Ever since I started realizing how I feel about economics, and started debating politics with republicans, I have felt there has to be something I was overlooking. How could these pleasant people really be so callous and cold-hearted towards the needs of the suffering? How could they put corporate profits over providing healthcare for adults and children born into poverty, even when confronted with empirical data from other countries that proves universal healthcare isn't going to destroy our country's economic system? Are all republicans really so cold that they aren't able to see the inherent injustices being perpetuated? It hurt my heart. Made me cry, makes me cry, that these people who I care about are so unfeeling, so lacking in basic values.
They (republicans in my life) have never expressed, in a way I understood, those values which they hold in esteem. It took a study for me to (perhaps) see and understand them a little better.
This study had people identify where they stood in the political spectrum. Then they were given a test to determine what they would choose when given choices between the following values:
Harm/care. It is wrong to hurt people; it is good to relieve suffering.
Fairness/reciprocity. Justice and fairness are good; people have certain rights that need to be upheld in social interactions.
In-group loyalty. People should be true to their
group and be wary of threats from the outside. Allegiance, loyalty and
patriotism are virtues; betrayal is bad.
Authority/respect. People should respect social hierarchy; social order is necessary for
human life.
Purity/sanctity. The body and certain aspects of
life are sacred. Cleanliness and health, as well as their derivatives of
chastity and piety, are all good. Pollution, contamination and the
associated character traits of lust and greed are all bad.
Now, I don't have to take the test to tell you where I stand in this spectrum:
Harm/Care is my leading value which, when I honestly view all the other traits, will always take priority. Since it is my leading value, I feel that it is obvious why, and that it needs no explanation, which is probably a mistake on my part. I feel it is very obvious that hurting people is wrong, and helping people who are suffering is good. I also think this is something that is largely recognized in religion (so I don't understand why so many 'Christian republicans' don't feel the same way).
Purity/Sanctity is a close second, and, to me, these first two go hand-in-hand. For example, I feel that the sanctity of human life is one of the reasons why Harm/Care is so important. The description of this trait illustrates my views very clearly, it is right on point in every aspect. I would like to add that I have a STRONG negative view towards greed, I don't just think that it is 'bad.'
Fairness/Reciprocity is next, and it is usually rated higher for liberals, which is why I think I'm constantly getting senseless arguments from republicans who are arguing against the logic of fairness, when I really don't disagree with them as much as they think I do. However, I do think it is important to have justice, and I don't think it's right that workplace pay is so skewed in a man's favor, etc.
This is where the scale starts to tip. These last two values are almost negatively viewed in my eyes, and they are typically the top values for republicans.
Which helps me understand... why I don't understand them.
In-Group Loyalty. It takes a lot, and I mean, A LOT for me to become loyal to a group. Growing up I feel like I was betrayed by people (who I should have been able to trust) on such a regular basis that I learned that no one will ever be loyal to me. So why should I be loyal to them if they are going to betray me as soon as it benefits them? Also, I don't think that belonging to a group automatically makes opposing groups bad, and I don't view opposing groups as threats we need protection from, rather as organizations we can maybe learn from.
Authority/Respect. Honestly, I despise the existence of a social hierarchy. I think of myself as someone who isn't a "respecter of persons," meaning that I try to treat everyone with the same amount of love and respect, and if you think I should give you extra respect because of your position you are sorely mistaken. You WILL NOT get extra deference or respect from me simply because you're my boss, my boss's boss, or the president of the United States. Come to think of it, this is probably one of the reasons why I haven't succeeded in the business world...
There is an interesting story regarding this that I'll post in a different post someday.
So... It might not sound like it... but I'm trying to understand (despite my bull-headedness). It would be great if some of the republicans in my life (and anyone else!) could tell me if they think this study is accurate, and list their values and reasons in order of importance.