Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The monthly visitor

Yes.  This post is about periods.  If you don't want to read a blog post about periods, then you can stop reading.

That being said, I've never understood the big hush hush surrounding periods.

It's the monthly red devil.

The shame of womanhood.

Women in the new testament were so dirty while on their period, they were considered untouchable! What?!?

Heaven forbid if you have your period while on your honeymoon.  What an embarrassment!  What a disgrace!  Better plan your wedding date around your monthly cycle.

Women are uncontrollable when on their periods.  (who are you, and why do you think you have the right to control the women?)

I just don't understand.

The first time I got my period, I was ecstatic.  I had crossed the bar into womanhood.  Biology (and in my opinion, God) had just told me that I was trusted enough to create, bear, and raise a child.  I shouldn't go do it right now, but I was trusted enough to be able to choose the right time and make that decision.

Some people call children a burden or an enslavement of women.  I disagree.  As a feminist, I think that there is nothing more empowering then being told that you (with, lets face it, not very much help from a man) can create and birth another human being.  Can men do this.  No.  Sorry men.  You're not cool enough.  (sorry men, I like you, and the good ones are essential in the raising of children, but you're not doing the creating, the women are) Sorry... I digress...


Why do people hate them.  (that's not a question, it's a statement.  Note the period.  ha!)

I don't know why, but despite all the negativity, the female-shaming, that surrounds periods, I've never been able to dislike mine.  More than that.  I appreciate and even enjoy my period.

Am I weird?  Am I the only one who looks at memes that bemoan the torment of the monthly cycle, and think... wow... I REALLY don't relate to that...  ?


  1. I've always felt the same way. As a woman who has always had very irregular periods and who has been diagnosed with PCOS, I'm grateful when the "monthly curse" comes, because it means I'm still able to have children!

    But getting a break from periods during pregnancy and breastfeeding has been awesome too ;)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I had a teacher from Russia last term who was very passionate about this. It was a child psychology class, but women and their bodies were a big part of what she covered. She was also very interested in history and anthropology. According to her, there used to be societies who worshiped women because of their immortal powers. She'd say, "I mean, if a man bled for 4 to 7 days, he'd be dead!" Not to mention the fact that women could grow human beings inside of their bodies! She also said that in many Native American tribes, women would kick back inside during their periods, not because they were unclean, but because they're so powerful they obscure spiritual rituals. Who knows. It might have just been what she thought. She was pretty fun to listen to, though, on her rants about women as gods. ;)

    I totally agree. Why is it SO embarrassing if someone sees a tampon in a woman's purse?

    I can't say I totally enjoy my periods. I don't love being messy and especially don't love cramps... but, I DO love being fertile, and I DO love having the God-given power to produce new life. I also feel really great after my period. It's amazing how the female system renews itself every month.
