Martha Hughes Cannon. I wish I was related to her (as far as I know I'm not). Turns out she is pretty awesome.
I accidentally left the Ipod at home this morning. Usually I'm just fine driving in silence, but today something prompted me to turn on the radio.
Flipping through channels, trying to find one that wasn't playing ads (the usual reason I abstain from the radio), I found myself on Utah's NPR
... wait... UTAH'S NPR?!?!? That even exists?!?!
Raging within me the battling forces of curiosity and abhorrence of talk radio each fought to gain control.
I kept listening.
They briefly gave a shout out to their sponsor - a library and literacy something or other... WHAT?! Maybe this isn't all bad... Their sponsor has to do with reading...
Anyway - aside from the world news... WORLD NEWS, I love world news! - and not one mention of the drivel that is celebrity news...
They were talking about a new documentary about Martha Hughes Cannon. Suffragist, physician, polygamist, and Utah's first female state senator. She even ran as the democratic ticket against her husband who was the republican ticket! This is my kind of woman. The women talking about her didn't seem to understand some of her complexities, but somehow I feel I understand her very well. Maybe I'll get to meet her in another life.